Starting a new business venture may be easier than getting the right clients directed towards your business. The growth and success of any business rest on its marketing strategy, for which we are inundated with loads of options in the digitized world. To put it in simple words marketing is the tool with which you can advertise your products and services to convince potential clients why they should opt for your services instead of others in the same business.
The Lash industry is growing by leaps and bo

often good marketing tactics can prove to be favorable in attracting the right clientele which is the need of the hour. It is imperative to get more clients, but being over-aggressive can have an incredibly negative impact and can ruin your reputation. To keep the business running, the right kind of marketing for your Lash extension salon is quintessential and we are just about to share some fantastic tips for the same.
Spread the word in your social circles:
It’s your new venture; don’t shy off from telling your friends, family, and neighbors. You can lash a few of your friends and family for free in exchange for advertising for you. In fact, your work will speak for you. Once your peers are seen around looking gorgeous with their new lash extensions, tons of people will inquire about their new look. Hey! That’s what you want, right. Your client database is building up.

Another way to attract a few newbies from your group would be to announce some minimal discounts. Add pressure by setting deadlines; avail discounts only if you book within the next 24 hours or offer valid for the next 10 clients only. Don’t devalue your work right in the beginning by giving too much discount.
You need to start somewhere and there is no better way to start than this; your acquaintances once satisfied with your work would be happy to spread the word amongst their group. The power of this word of mouth chain is superb!
Have a Referral Mindset:
Referrals can go a long way! You can create a formal referral program for your existing clients; say you can offer X% discount on lash extension service to your clients if a new client mentions her name in the referral. Incentives can push your clients to propagate your business; who would not want to grab a discount. This will be a win-win situation for both of you. Your client will be happy to save extra and you in turn can see your business booming.
Another great technique that will give you referrals is selling gift cards. Convince your happy clients to gift their loved ones a new lash set on their birthday or for Christmas. Not only would it be an innovative memento, but would also add another client to your bag.
Networking with others in the beauty business:
There is nothing wrong with this. You can search your area for hair-stylists, nail-artists, and brow-artists and team up with them. By Cross-promoting each other’s services you can expand your clientele. The terms of the partnership must be clear so that no one feels offended in the end. You can exchange each other’s business cards or even promote each other’s posts on social media handles. Professional recommendation helps to build trust for first-timers who want to opt for lash extensions.
Use Social Networking Sites:
Advertising on social media apps is an inexpensive way to target potential new customers and it presents ample opportunities for small businesses to grow their presence online. This platform is highly interactive and an excellent medium to build relationships with your clients. These sites are regularly visited by millions every day and smartly made ads can target the right audience getting you loyal clients. You can set up accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, updating beautiful pictures and videos of your work.
High-quality graphics and good lighting are quintessential for creating good content to upload on social sites. You can give the client pic that you have taken for them to flaunt on their social media sites. Create a professional page on every social media site, upload flyers and videos with images of models before and after the procedure.
Hashtags are another mode to upgrade your client list. Using them, along with your posts can help clients to know about your business and services. You can add a location hashtag under your flyer or videos that will directly guide the client to your studio.
Make your website:
Although it may be expensive, it is a worthwhile investment to build your reputation. An attractive website can help to convince people that you are the right choice, while an unprofessional website can be a negative marketing stint. Pay a professional to design and maintain a functional and appealing site that speaks volumes about your work. Once an interested client is directed to the site, you can tap their email address and use it for email marketing later on. Emails are difficult to ignore; so once a month you can remind the clients of the services they can avail themselves of at your studio.
You can even incorporate an online booking portal, where clients can schedule/reschedule their refilling appointments with ease. Organizing online contests with attractive offers/prizes can direct the swarms of prospective clients to your salon. You want to earn, you ought to spend. With online adverts on Google or Facebook Ads, you can upsurge the number of hits to your website. They help to increase your presence on the social media front.
Google all the way:
Your presence on the Google search engine can ensure that every new client who is searching for a lash salon close by their location would get you at the top of the list. For this, you either need a regularly updated website that is optimized by the SEO team to get you maximum hits or you need to show up on Google Maps by creating a Google Business Account. Money well spent is money earned.
You do not want the clients to step through your door just once. To ensure that your existing clients keep coming back, encourage them to book multiple appointments. Loyal customers can receive some sweet perks to make them feel happy and satisfied. Wisp Lashes offer the best lash extensions service through its professional staff. We have received many of our valuable clients by adopting a few of the above-mentioned marketing strategies. Our product, services, and a comfortable lash salon to enjoy your time looking gorgeously are a verdict for the top-notch services we provide making us the most sought-after lash extensions salon in Knoxville.
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